How to Get More Traffic / Highs and Lows of HuffPost


Huffpost is the second who invented formula of free website traffic generator.

HuffPost can boast of 16.7 million monthly visitors nowadays! Its creator, Arianna Huffington, has never tried to turn it into a business blog.

Still, it clambered up to the 154th place among world’s popular blogs, having a breath-taking success with regard to web traffic. Obtaining 500,000 views a day, the news site has grown into a household name in the form of a political blog.

Nevertheless, it’s hard to imagine a successful magazine without highs and lows. Arianna left its brainchild because of unprofitability and burning-out. She has commented that even the revenue that amounted to $110 million in the last year didn’t make them a compensated business.

Thus, why did this shaky business model become a successful one with an imposing number of free website hits?


First Steps in Publishing

The Huffington Post started as a news site devoted to politics; it informed its audience of world’s issues. At first, it served as the founder’s opposition to corporate news sites that were hungry only for money. This tendency evoked people’s responses and helped to generate traffic to website.

So, the site for raw and real political issues presented in the form of a dialogue was created. It rendered unbiased stories, news, and opinions provided from different points of view. It satisfied audience’s needs.

Such sharks of this sphere as the New York Times or the Washington Post were left behind very quickly.

The main idea to make use of is to publish purposefully.

When you focus only on cheap web traffic, you are pressed for time on realizing your public and its needs, and creating content for it.

Hacking Tips

Still, this border between purpose and revenue is very fine. If you lose it and your value, burning-out seems to be evident and expectable.

That’s what happened to HuffPost. Arianna experienced it when her portal flied up in ratings and looked more like a business she didn’t imagine before.

Many people have difficulties with content creating. If you think only about conversion, cost-per-click options, and keywords, you most likely forget real interests of your audience. You should find a proportion between cheap website traffic, conversions, and public’s needs. The content should be valuable, improve people’s lives, and give insights that other resources aren’t able to provide.

Ask yourself the following questions before making up your content:

   •   What is my audience keen on? Have I tried to ask it directly?

   •   What is the main goal of my content?

   •   What do I want to achieve with it?

   •   Am I aware of people’s fears, needs, interests, or pain?

   •   Do I try to give solutions for them or only predict possible issues?

   •   Which actions should readers undertake after reading my content?

Don’t ignore the aim of your content. Concentrating on optimization, web traffic generator, or Google keywords appears to be a good idea, but that’s not enough to keep readers involved in your content. Think of conversion as well as content oriented towards humans. This way, it will breathe and serve for its purpose.